
Due to a very strange series of events now I find myself co-creating this blog, I don't expect you to buy and believe everything you read here, but I ask you to give it a try, and feedback is ALWAYS appreciated.

Ever since English is not my first language I may have lots and lots of mistakes, I appologise in adbance (LOL, I meant, apologize in advance) and appreciate your understanding, feel free to make any necessary correction.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The Vision...

The Nile, a pyramid with a golden Moon, a shining Sun Behind it, 14000 B.C. A Crocodile holding a book, two Masters, kind faces, powerful but not overwhelming, three stars, one behind the other, they were once one, then it somehow divided into three, shining even in the sunlight, a woman, scarlet and golden clothes, velvet, ruby's, golden bracelets, and rings and necklaces.

The Masters looked at me, kind of inviting me, kind of asking: Can we talk now? I saw they were thinking of an ancient building, over a city on Egypt.


Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The White Brotherhood.

It's been a while I want introduce you to this concept, I'm going to translate part of a website that found me lately, for further reference please feel free to ask:

"The White Brotherhood is an spiritual order formed by Occidental Saints and Oriental followers that have gathered with the Spirit. They have transcended Karmic cycles and re-born and ascended (accelerated) to the next vibratory frequency.

We can find Ascended Masters in any Age and culture, joined for the Highest good for mankind's sake, inspiring creative progress in education, arts and sciences.

The word "White" does not refer to their race or skin color, but to the Pure White color of their Auras.

Even Jesus, The Christ, mentioned them to John, his disciple in the book of Apocalypse referring to them as "Saints dressing Withe Clothes"

As an amazing synchronicity, today, April 29th, the Brotherhood celebrates the Ascension of Master Saint Germain, an important figure in the last decades, who is considered as the Avatar of the Aquarian Age. He works Actively for the Violet Ray, in charge of the purification of the mankind and also helping out by burning Karma specially for us, human kind.

This post in particular may resonate or not with some of you, if any more information needed, you know where to find me. Adhan.



And I Evaporate...

It's hard to be in the Air,
this seed that asphyxiates me
I'm looking at the bonfire,
and see my past lives.

This placenta grieves me,
that enters and do not asks,
the instincts hurt me,
those that have formed my existence.

The dead that is not already dead hurts,
this fatigue that fades away,
the alive one that does not live hurts too,
this lethargy that rots you.

It's the night and the shadows tell
these secrets I don't understand,
those mysteries are stalking me,
this habit that is my life.

And you are gone, and you are gone.
And I evaporate.
And I evaporate.
And I evaporate.

Saul Hernandez.


Friday, April 24, 2009

I am the Ocean

"All waters flow into me without filling me, all the waters flow from me without draining me" Chuang Tzu.

"Whoever crosses the sea with its sharks and demons, its terrifying waves which are so hard to surmount, may be said to have gone to the Ends of the Earth and have departed to the Beyond" Samyutta-Nikaya.

The Gift is different for everyone; I just can't see the ocean, and not feel overwhelmed by its presence. Will I ever surmount its waves? Will I ever look at it and feel one with him? Will finally all of those dreams come to an end?

The Ocean, the Sea, the Great Waters…Life is believed to have begun in it, is also that the end? Anyway, I AM THE OCEAN.


Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Mother Earth!


Gaia, Mother Earth, Third Rock, Tierra... all the same...thank you blessed Mother.
Here is your Son, I offer you my most sincere appologies if I have done anything against you.
If I haven't taken proper care of you, if I have been rude to any person, plant, animal, rock, tree, water body.
If I have contained your fire, or started one in a place where there was no need, if I had stepped in a sacred territory, if I had modified any area for my stupid human interest, if I had offended you with my pride, if I had claimed you as my personal possession.
I appologise Mother Earth, and here is my resolution: I'll be a better son to you, I'll take care of and respect every human being, every moving creature, elements, rivers, oceans, plants, even I'll take better care of my body, because, my body itself contains you, my chemical structure is like yours, I can feel as you feel, I cry as you rain, I smile as you let me contemplate a sunrise, I feed as you engulf soil in an Earthquake, I have this consuming fire within me, in my very core as you have in yours. I would be absorbed and die when the fire of my spirit consumes me as you will die when the Father Sun eats you, and I will be re-born in another time and place as your elements and energy and force make a home for other kind of living forms once again. Mother Earth I embrace you even more today.


Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The Dhammapada

The Dhammapada is a sacred Buddhist book, which is a compilation of 423 verses that -according to the tradition- were spoken by the Buddha several occasions, this verse in particular caught my attention:

"If on the great journey of life a person cannot find one who is better or at least as good as himself, let him joyfully travel alone... Have for friends those whose soul is beautiful; go with people whose soul is good"

If you are interested in reading more about this book here is the link to the website:



Monday, April 13, 2009

The Beginning...

In this case the beginning occurs in present day, I will try to explain how my blog came about.

Recently I've been practicing an ancient Eastern therapy called Reiki, that means sort of "Universal Energy". REI = Universal, KI = Energy. In this alternative therapy in particular, the Reiki practitioner places her/his hands over several spots on a person, in order to "channel" energy to areas where energy is lacking, and, consequently manifesting what we call a "disease". This illness can be physical, emotional, mental or spiritual. Reiki practitioners believe that we can use Reiki for everything, including pets, electronic devices, sittuations, in our jobs, in our personal lives, really endless possibilities.

The fact is, I started performing Reiki on myself first, a friend of mine booked an appointment with a Reiki Healer and BOOOOM!!! all these "new" sensations have run throughout my body ever since. My perception has increased, I feel more energetic, less hunger, more balanced.

I've been practicing Reiki on myself for over a month and I feel great! I used to smoke one cigarrete a day "just to kill the stress" I was obviously killing myself too LOL, and every weekend I use to run to the Liquor Mart to buy some beers in order "to relax", well ever since I started my Reiki exercises, I haven't smoked, or drank beer or any liquor, I haven't simply felt the urge.

Im not saying that nothing can touch me now and that I'm free on any kind of Earthly desire, no, no, I'm saying that something really is moving inside me, I still have got human emotions, otherwise I wouldn't be here anymore, but I feel I react different now to stress, and other "negative" emotions.

I've been practicing meditation for almost 3 years now, it was good, but now combined with Reiki its better than ever!

Also, "skills" I haven't had since I was maybe 3 years old have come to me again, faded and not as strong as back then but they are here with me again, I'm talking about deja vu, premonitions, I see colors and feel "beings" around me, its funny, hard to explain, but is like if I was watching a motion picture of my life now, and I almost could tell what's about to happen, I'll try to explain myself later on.To be continued...

We ALL can practice Reiki, there are thousands of books, websites and people out there that is eager to inform you about this marvelous ancient healing system, just keep in mind that knowledge doesn't have to cost a fortune, maybe some dollars to have a Reiki session with a qualified Reiki Healer, but stay away from those that want to make lots of money with Reiki and other alternative therapies, in my personal experience, I started with a book that my girl downloaded (Thanks Coneja!), didn't cost cash at all, then my girl friend (thanks Apri!) found about this magnificent Reiki Healer (Thanks Joe!), who charge pretty much anything for his time and for teaching us how to perform Reiki on us and other people even in the distance, and now I'm waiting to take my Master's Course!!! I just can't wait!

I'm serious when I'm saying that Reiki has changed my entire life in less than 45 days!!! I'll share my experiences with this Reiki Healer and our group later on.

Anyway for further Reiki reference, feel free to contact me, I'll be glad to interact with you, YOU: those reading this post, it's not coincidence, we had to meet here and now, why? Still don't know but for sure our paths have crossed before, in this live, or a past one, or who knows if it WAS in maybe a FUTURE one!



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