The Vision...
The Nile, a pyramid with a golden Moon, a shining Sun Behind it, 14000 B.C. A Crocodile holding a book, two Masters, kind faces, powerful but not overwhelming, three stars, one behind the other, they were once one, then it somehow divided into three, shining even in the sunlight, a woman, scarlet and golden clothes, velvet, ruby's, golden bracelets, and rings and necklaces.
The Masters looked at me, kind of inviting me, kind of asking: Can we talk now? I saw they were thinking of an ancient building, over a city on Egypt.
Yeah.... they have been waiting for a while for you...
only peace in the heart and silence in the mind will let you to listen....or see...or know!
It´s not a Master but someone reaaaally special is around you...also waiting...keep contact!
Anything else??? I appreciate your comment, Namaste!
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