
Due to a very strange series of events now I find myself co-creating this blog, I don't expect you to buy and believe everything you read here, but I ask you to give it a try, and feedback is ALWAYS appreciated.

Ever since English is not my first language I may have lots and lots of mistakes, I appologise in adbance (LOL, I meant, apologize in advance) and appreciate your understanding, feel free to make any necessary correction.

Friday, April 24, 2009

I am the Ocean

"All waters flow into me without filling me, all the waters flow from me without draining me" Chuang Tzu.

"Whoever crosses the sea with its sharks and demons, its terrifying waves which are so hard to surmount, may be said to have gone to the Ends of the Earth and have departed to the Beyond" Samyutta-Nikaya.

The Gift is different for everyone; I just can't see the ocean, and not feel overwhelmed by its presence. Will I ever surmount its waves? Will I ever look at it and feel one with him? Will finally all of those dreams come to an end?

The Ocean, the Sea, the Great Waters…Life is believed to have begun in it, is also that the end? Anyway, I AM THE OCEAN.


Dragonsister April 25, 2009 at 11:20 PM  

The quote you open with here is so beautiful, it reminds me of the Eternal Source, or the All.

What dreams are they that you wonder if they will "come to an end"? and why do you wish them to end? Is it fulfillment, relief, release?

The end I think is complex and yet simple, and really quite full of beauty and love.

Namaste Brother

Adhan April 28, 2009 at 2:02 AM  

It's actually relief, for so many years the Ocean have been after me, one stormy night, I stood in front of the Ocean, he came towards me, but I didn't pulled back, I didn't moved untill the storm ceased, that's when I knew I could succeed. Dignity, Courage, Manhood.

Namaste Sister, Adhan.

Esencia del Ser April 29, 2009 at 7:48 PM  

"Will I ever surmount its waves? Will I ever look at it and feel one with him? Will finally all of those dreams come to an end? "

....it is up to you...as every answer to any question...it is all inside you...

Adhan April 30, 2009 at 1:04 AM  

Thanks for your comment Lita! Always a pleasure and eager to learn more from you! Namaste!

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