
Due to a very strange series of events now I find myself co-creating this blog, I don't expect you to buy and believe everything you read here, but I ask you to give it a try, and feedback is ALWAYS appreciated.

Ever since English is not my first language I may have lots and lots of mistakes, I appologise in adbance (LOL, I meant, apologize in advance) and appreciate your understanding, feel free to make any necessary correction.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Moment of Surrender

I tied myself with wire
To let the horses run free
Playing with the fire
Until the fire play with me

The stone was semi precious
We were barely conscious
Two souls too smart to be
In the realm of certainty
Even on our wedding day

We set ourselves on fire
A girl could not deny her
It's not if I believe in love
If love believes in me
Oh believe in me

At the moment of surrender
I'm falling to my knees
I did not notice the passers by
And they did not notice me

I've been in every black hole
At the alter of a Dark star
My body's now begging
Though it's begging to get back
Begging to get back
To my heart
To the rhythm of my soul
To the rhythm of my consciousness
To the rhythm that yearns
To be released from control

I was pushing in the numbers
at the ATM machine
I could see in the reflection
A face staring back at me
At the moment of surrender
Of vision over visibility
I did not notice the passers by
And they did not notice me

I was speeding on the subway
Through the stations of the cross
Every eye looking every other way
Counting down till the pain will stop

At the moment of surrender
A vision of a visibility
I did not notice the passers by
And they did not notice me


Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The Answer is YOU!

There are moments when
Light turns to Spirit.
The very air you breathe
Becomes an ocean of life.

Your bones will dissolve into the Sea,
Your blood becomes the saltwater,
And only one thing remains.

When the mind grows Still
And the work of becoming is released
The great tide and
The waves of Creation and Death will cease.

In that moment
You will disappear completely,
Your heart
Will become the world.
And there will be nothing left to ask.

One day
You will Be the answer



Saturday, May 9, 2009

Metaphysics 4 in 1, Conny Mendez (2) Principle of Mentalism

Principle of Mentalism.

If in you mind lives the idea that accidents can occur, if you believe in "getting older and be in pain", if you are convinced of your bad or good luck, whatever you expect regularly, good or bad, it's going to be the situation that you will see in your regular life and in everything you do. Your thoughts determine what'll happen to you.

You can't always be conscious of the ideas that runs in our heads. They are formed according to what we learn from other, or what we hear. Almost everybody ignores the Laws that rule life, Laws we call "From the Creation", almost we all spend our life making or creating negative conditions, watching going bad that thing that promised to be great, grasping, without compass, and in the darkness, blaming life itself for our disgraces, learning the hard way or blaming "God" for our "bad" luck.

Reading this you will realize that the human being is not what people made you believe, a cork in the middle of a stormy ocean, taking here and there without the option to decide the route to follow, Nonsense! Life, our world, our circumstances, everything that a human being is the creation of ourselves, and no one's else. Him is the king of the empire, and if his opinion is, precisely, that he is not a cork in the middle of the storm, so it will be.

Being born with free will means to have been created with the individual right of choosing. Choose what? Thinking negative or positively! Pessimistic or optimistic. Free Will means to think what's wrong and ugly -that at the end produces what's wrong and ugly- or think the good and beauty which will produce the good and beauty in the exterior and interior.

Metaphysics have always taught that what we think goes to the subconscious and it establishes there acting as a reflex. Modern Psychology have finally "discover" it. When the human being is engulfed by the effects of his ignorance, turns to God and begs to be released from suffering. He sees that sometimes "God" answers and others inexplicably doesn't. In this last case he goes to his family and they comfort him by saying: "You have to surrender to God's Will". Meaning everyone think that God's Will is bad. But at the same time religion teaches that God is All Love, Kindness, Merciful, Wisdom and Eternal. Are you seeing how these two concepts doesn't make any sense to each other? You think is OK that a Father who is All Love, and Wise would feel and express bad will against us? We, human and mortal parents wouldn't be capable to torture a son or daughter with the same crimes we blame God! We wouldn't be able to condemn our sons to eternal Fire and we consider God is capable of that and more! Meaning that without knowing in a conscious way we think of God as a capricious and fussy Magnate, just waiting for us to fail to punish us!

It is natural to think like that when we ignore the Laws and basic Rules of Life.

We have said that the reason of our calamities ARE PRODUCED WITH OUR THOUGHTS. In this is that we are the same as God, we can create, each one of us we can create our own world.

Now why God seems to respond sometimes and other he doesn't? You will see. Praying is the highest and purest thought we can think of. Praying is to polarize the mind in the highest degree possible. They are vibrations of light we send when we pray or when we think of God. Those vibrations tend to transform instantly, in perfect and good, all of the dark conditions that may surround us, its like when you take in a candle in a dark room. Is is as easy as I'm saying, now don't you ever forget again that God's Will for you is Good, Health, Peace, Happiness, Well-Being, all the good things! Don't you ever forget again that God is not a Judge, a Cop, an Executioner, the Tyrant that people had you to believe. The Truth is that Him have created Seven Laws. Seven Principles that work on everything and always, they don't rest a single second. They are in charge of maintain order and harmony in the Creation. We don't need cops in the Spirit. Those who don't follow these Laws are punished by themselves.


Saint Paul said that God is closer to us than our own feet and hands, even closer than our own breathing, so there is no need to yell at Him for help. Thinking of Him is enough and that is working OK starts to work in perfection. He created us. He knows us better than ourselves. He knows why we act this or that way, and He doesn't expect to behave as saints when we are only grasping how to learn to walk in this spiritual life.

I'm going to beg you not to believe everything I have said so far without probing it first. It is your Divine Right. Don't do what you have been doing so far, accepting everything what you hear and see without giving yourself the chance to judge between what is Good or wrong for you.


Improving myself.

"I spent so much time improving myself that I don't have the time to criticize others"



Thursday, May 7, 2009

Metaphysics 4 in 1, Conny Mendez (1)

Metaphysics 4 in 1, Vol. 1 Conny Mendez
Conny Mendez 1898-1979
Born in Caracas, Venezuela, on April 11th, 1898. Daughter to the distinguished poet Eugenio Mendez y Mendoza and Lastenia Guzman de Mendez y Mendoza.

As producer, director and actresses, she dedicated several years to theatre, in activities directed to charity for the International Red Cross. Her musical work compiles more than 40 compositions.

In 1946 establishes the Christian Metaphysical Movement in Venezuela, dedicating entirely to Esoteric teachings through her books and conferences.

This book is written in what this author calls Easy Words, meaning in simple terms to be understood by anyone who is interested in knowing God's Truth.

Every time we heard or read something new, unknown for us, cells in our brain awaken. Those cells where sleeping, nut they wake up. The second time we find that idea we have a better understanding. Those cells begin to work with the idea and a little time after 'light comes' in our mind, meaning we accept the idea, we adopt it and we practice it automatically.

That is the way we start our awakening, its not necessary to make big efforts for those ideas to come into our minds. Its a natural process, but we have to have the willing to read, over and over until we feel what we learn is automatic, and we practice it naturally.

Read this book specially when you have a problem, every time you face a difficult situation. Something amazing is going to occur to you, and when you open the book you will find the information to overcome your problem and you will think "Seems this book was written specially for me".

Jesus said: "In my Father's House there are many rooms" Metaphysics is one of these many rooms, it is the study of the Mental-Spiritual Laws. It has nothing to do with Spirit ism, even though this last one is another room in the Father's House.

May this little work bring you all the Peace and Wealthiness that you deserve. Bless you.
Conny Mendez.

Chapter 1 Dynamic Christianity.

Before starting any job, the employee is instructed about techniques to make its job easier. Nevertheless there is an Employee that begins its work in blindness, without technique, without knowing what to expect. This Employee is The Human Being which is thrown to the task of LIVING.

Without even knowing what kind of a thing is Living, without knowing how come some lives goes through opulence and satisfaction and others in misery and suffering. Some lives begin with all the advantages that love could create, and somehow maybe those lives are chased by disgraces, and the human being debates, and may the end of his/her days comes without guessing at least a small truth about life.

Learn the BIG TRUTH: Whatever you think it will becomes evident. Thoughts are Things.
It is your attitude what determines whatever happens to you. Your own concept is what you see happening, not only in your body and your personality, but in the exterior too, in your material life, yes, you are reading good, Thoughts are Things. Now you will see why.

If you think you are healthy, no matter what you do you will always be healthy, but if you change your way of thinking, and you let yourself thinking that is possible to get sick you will begin to be sick. You would loose your health. If you were born rich, its possible that you will always be, unless someone convince you that "the destiny" exists and you begin to believe that your destiny can change you may end up loosing your opulence, because you are believing it so. Your Life, and whatever happens to you obeys to your beliefs and to what you express in words. This is a Law, a Principle. You know what a Principle is? Its a unchangeable, immutable law that never fails. This law is called "The Priciple of Mentalism".


Back from the D.S of the Moon...

I'm back here, with renewed strength, ready to begin a little Metaphysical Course. Based on Conny Mendez's teachings.

Metafisica 4 en 1 (Metaphysics 4 in 1) its one of the books that changed my life, its very easy to follow and really practical, so you can start practicing metaphysics right away! Hope you enjoy it as much as I did.


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